Learning to Design 3D Printable Adaptations on Everyday Objects for Robot Manipulation

Stanford University
ICRA 2024

Inspired by human examples of adaptation, we focus on adapting objects for robots to use in an automated way via learning.


Advancements in robot learning for object manipulation have shown promising results, yet certain everyday objects remain challenging for robots to effectively interact with. This discrepancy arises from the fact that human-designed objects are optimized for human use rather than robot manipulation. To address this gap, we propose a framework to automatically design 3D printable adaptations that can be attached to hard-to-use objects, thus improving "robot ergonomics". Our learning-based framework formulates the adaptation design and control as a dual Markov decision process and is able to improve robot-object interactions for various robot end effectors and objects. We further validate our designs in the real world with a Franka Panda robot.


Overview of our framework. We formulate the design and control as a dual Markov decision process and adopt a reinforcement learning framework to jointly optimize them.

Comparison of Design Strategies

Learning curves for varying design strategies. Random designs outperform trying to use the original object with no design, but the learned designs are the best. Shaded regions indicate standard error across a minimum of three random seeds.

Supplementary Video


      author        = {Guo, Michelle and Liu, Ziang and Tian, Stephen and Xie, Zhaoming and Wu, Jiajun and Liu, C Karen},
      title         = {Learning to Design 3D Printable Adaptations on Everyday Objects for Robot Manipulation},
      booktitle     = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
      year          = {2024},
      organization  = {IEEE}